Outsourcing is no longer a taboo subject. Even though this business practice has proven itself time and time again, a lot of companies still don’t know how to make use of it. Many businesses aren’t aware that outsourcing can help them grow and scale their services according to current needs.

In modern business, things change quickly. Markets are dynamic, and this means that companies need to be flexible. Organizations that aren’t able to adjust to the new conditions are more likely to go under. 

Most growing businesses today, regardless of their industry or their size, outsource some business processes. Still, outsourcing is not as simple as it might seem. Many things need to be considered thoroughly before stepping into this kind of partnership.

4 steps to success
Source: http://bit.ly/2QhXy9u

So how can you make outsourcing successful? Today, we are going to discuss some of the ways to make outsourcing a success ever and after. To do so, first, we need to discuss the common mistakes that companies make while outsourcing.

How to Avoid Most Prominent Outsourcing Mistakes

Let’s read through the tips to avoid common outsourcing mistakes and make outsourcing a success time after time:

Not being strict when choosing an outsourcing partner

Just because you’re not hiring a full-time employee doesn’t mean that you should abandon everything you know about recruitment. It doesn’t matter if your outsourcing partner is far away across the sea. Their performance will have a significant impact on your business results. That’s why you need to get to know them better before starting cooperation.

You need to vet your potential outsourcing partners more thoroughly than full-time employees. They will be working from far away, and you can’t check their performance or the way they do things regularly. There is little room for correcting their performance and how they approach their tasks.

Not validating vendor credentials

When looking to outsource business processes, make sure to look at the facts. Don’t trust someone’s word unless they have numbers and other information that can prove their claims. Make sure to look for references and find details about the company’s performance in the past.

Also, make sure to create a detailed job description and make sure that the outsourcing company that can handle all of it. In case you are wasting a lot of time talking to a potential partner, move on to another business. Also, make sure to look for testimonials, check reviews, and speak to ex-clients to see how reliable a company is.

Service level agreement
Source : http://bit.ly/2QfQ9Ym

Not clear with your communication

The majority of issues that arise in outsourcing partnerships happen due to poor communication. You won’t have the option of communicating in person with your partners as they will be located overseas.

This means that you will have to deal with things like cultural differences, language differences, and different time zones.

It’s essential to get on the same page in terms of communication, or you will have adverse outcomes. This doesn’t only mean speaking English fluently. It involves using the right terminology, practices, symbols, and numbers.

Not establishing ongoing communication

Every business process requires constant tweaks, adjustments, updates, changes, and so on. This means that you can’t only agree on the contract details and stop communicating altogether. Things will change on both sides, and it’s vital for everyone involved to be aware of the changes.

This is how efficiency can be improved, and mistakes will be avoided. Just think about it, employees within the same organization need to communicate every day. The same rule applies to outsource partnerships as well. Make sure to talk regularly and have important meetings.

You can do this via email, through video calls, Skype, or any other way. As long as both sides can understand everything, there will be no issues.

Not maintaining delivery dates and critical milestones

Every outsourcing arrangement needs to be separated by key milestones. This is how both sides will know how well the relationship is progressing. At the same time, all of the critical delivery dates need to be outlined in detail.

The whole business flow needs to be smooth, and one organization’s work cannot suffer because the other side hasn’t finished their part. Both of these things keep everyone up-to-date, make the relationship honest, project security and increase transparency.

Not defining the payments plans

When you break down the whole project into milestones, you also need to define the payment plan that goes along with them. This is a good practice because it makes milestones even more essential and ensures that you don’t forget about the payments you need to make. Furthermore, it boasts accountability.

If the milestones have only been partially completed or haven’t been achieved, you won’t have to make the payment until it is. Millstone-based payment plans generally reduce conflicts and give more transparency to the whole arrangement. Even if you don’t go with this option, make sure that both sides agree on payments and their essential details.

Outsource Hr Graph
Source : http://bit.ly/2Qh4Ha9

The Future of Outsourcing and the Increase of On-demand Partnerships

In the future, the best companies will have several critical contract-based relationships with several partners. These partners will help them achieve a more significant competitive advantage. This means that companies will have to be more open to other organizations.

The importance of value networks will grow

In 2020, we can expect businesses to keep switching their focus from value and supply chains to value networks. These networks increase resource access, help improve customer outcomes, promote scalability, and make businesses more flexible.

Companies will form closer business relationships and share valuable information. This will lead to the formation of other networks through which more companies will develop an economical chain. However, even though this opens up more opportunities in terms of growth and scalability, it could also lead to companies getting into a closed network.

Co-sourcing will become more popular

To become more stable and reduce their risks, companies will also look for outsourcing partners that have a similar strategic approach. This includes having value exchanges, risks, and shared value. These strategic and collaborative relationships help companies reduce risks and find value through which they can create sustainable competitiveness.

Both sides will rely on having a positive outcome from their collaboration. Since their goals are aligned, their partnerships will become imperative. Put, these companies can use their strategic positions to create co-value and be more competitive on the market.


There are countless success stories about outsourcing partnerships and outsourcing can really help your small business grow. What’s fantastic about them is that both sides can benefit significantly from them. On top of that, a lot of businesses can take that next step in their growth through outsourcing. Make sure to try out this business model, but make sure to find a reliable partner with whom you can collaborate effectively.

Contact BOP to know our outsourcing benefits and make outsourcing a success time after time. 

-Backoffice Pro