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Digital Therapeutics Market

Global industry analysis & forecast to 2023

Digital therapeutics exist under the broader umbrella of digital or technology-based healthcare. Unlike diagnostic and tracking software, digital therapeutics are software programs designed to fill a therapeutic role in the treatment of physical and mental health.

This report analyzes the current developing digital therapeutics (DTx) market in critical regions and provides a precise forecast of future development to 2023.

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The report begins with a basic overview of digital therapeutics in general, domestic and foreign market scenarios, and the most popular current digital therapeutics applications in healthcare today. From there, it branches off to cover more specific regions and topics, in-depth.

Regional Spotlights

To provide the most precise information possible, focused only on those with the highest growth capability. Our expert analysis determined that four world economic regions dominate the current market and its future potential. Thus, the report consists of four main sections, each focused on one particular area.

Focus on Key Technologies & Applications

Our research revealed that four types of technological solutions were the most popular and helpful in the current digital therapeutics market. Those included: video, VR, and AR-based technologies; sound-based technologies; web-based technologies and apps; and chatbots. The current market for each type of these technologies is explored, in detail, for each focus region.

Though the possible digital therapeutics applications are many, this report focuses on those already developed and in use. Most specifically, it looks at DTx solutions for sleep disorders, respiratory disorders, diabetes management, mental health, and drug-digital pairings.

Analysis & Dynamics

Essential information about sales, use of digital technologies, the approximate number of individuals, and healthcare settings that would find this technology useful (and more) were collected to provide an overview of each region’s current market landscape.

The data was analyzed alongside projections of population growth, population age distribution, disease growth rates, technology cost, availability, and more to create market forecasts that accounted for multiple changing variables. From this data, we uncovered significant market opportunities and challenges that are included in this report.

Showcases & Case Studies

We took care of each region to look at the most popular products and technologies in great detail. We outline each product and technology to give a clear understanding of its various applications and future opportunities and challenges for new applications. We provide a statistical analysis of these products and technologies, including key metrics such as sales figures over the years.

Leading companies are analyzed similarly. In addition to the showcasing of essential companies and products, we included case studies on products and services which show the most promise in each region.


This report focuses solely on South Korea, the United States, Europe, and Japan. The market is most robust and currently shows the most promise in these regions, hence focusing on them.

That said, we recognize that these emerging technologies could have tremendous value for developing nations where access to healthcare is a challenge. Specialized versions of this report can be created which focus on the current and projected market in any world economic region. Contact us to request a custom report today.


This report is intended to inform investors, developers, distributors, medical and paramedical professionals. The first three groups will find the report most helpful, and in the medical world, it is likely to be those in significant decision-making roles who see the most benefit from it.

Investors need to know which regions, companies, and technologies hold the most promise to ensure they see a good return on their investment. Some are in it for the long-haul, while others are looking for a quick turnaround. The information provided in this report will assist you in making the right investment, regardless of your overall goal.

Investors who want to “vote” with their money by backing groundbreaking technologies in important areas that assist and empower people will find that this report includes important information on technologies that put healthcare into the user’s hands and help bring healthcare to difficult-to-reach populations.

Developers and distributors will most benefit from information about current and up-and-coming technologies because it will provide a clear picture of their current and projected competitive marketplace. Distributors, in particular, can use this information to inform decisions to break into (or not break into) new regional or technological markets.

Health professionals, especially those in leadership roles will benefit from an expanded knowledge of what is available to them, where they can find these DTx applications, and from whom they can purchase them. Future projections will also give them an idea of what may be available in the future to begin forming their plans around these new technologies.

We collected data from many sources, including business journals, internal reports (where available), press releases, and government documents (regarding things such as regulation that may affect the development and distribution of DTx applications).

After the data was collected, it was analyzed for trends and to find what may be behind trends, be they positive or negative, in each region, and important sub-regions. We analyzed the data again in the same way, but we broke down trends relating to different applications, products, and technologies.

The analysis and trends were then combined with known information about significant opportunities and challenges in the global market and regional markets to create projections to the year 2023.

The information was compiled and presented in the form of this report.

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