Outsource 3D Animation to India

Modern technology makes it possible to take full advantage of the cutting edge techniques being used in 3D animation for everything from corporate advertising to educational films. That’s why, if you are interested in using this technology for your next project, you need a firm you can trust to produce high-quality content that will match your specific vision.

BackOffice Pro employs a full team of highly skilled animators, artists and illustrators who can create the 3D animation you need for your next project. Whether creating a video brochure for your business, an educational movie or working on a major feature film, we have the skills and technology needed to get the job done right.

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Why 3D Animation Outsourcing Makes Sense

The equipment and software needed to generate quality 3D images and animation is expensive and requires a full staff to operate. For this reason, many smaller studios, marketing departments and gaming companies turn to offshore solutions for their 3D animation needs. There are many benefits to doing this, most notably the turnaround time and reduced cost involved.

Our staff is among the best trained in the industry, with many years of experience producing high quality 3D animated images, and bringing the vision of our clients to life. We can do this on a short turnaround time and within your budget while scaling the operation to match the scope of your project.

3D AnimationServices BOP Offers

Our 3D animators have extensive experience working on a wide range of projects including:

  • Skeletal Animation
  • Motion Capture
  • Crowd Simulation
  • Cel-Shaded Animation
  • Morph Target Animation
  • 3D Product Animations

Beyond these different forms of animation, our team has worked with a wide range of different industries including television, presentations for corporate meetings, marketing tools, product demos, website animations, video games and feature films. This ensures that we are ready to tackle even the most demanding 3D animation projects you might have.

Benefits of BOP 3D Animation Services

When you hire BackOffice Pro, you are getting a company that has spent years compiling and curating a staff of highly skilled animators. We maintain strict quality standards at every step of the animation process to ensure everything created for your project is exactly what you have in mind. Our security procedures are designed to protect your intellectual property at all costs and to ensure you have instant access to your content at all times.


Outsource 3D Animation Service to BOP

To learn more about 3D animation outsourcing for your project, contact BackOffice Pro today.