Case Study

Catalyst Converter Manufacturer in the UK Plans Advance Product Design through Reverse Engineering

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Reverse Engineering Assistance at Backoffice Pro

Backoffice Pro (BOP) provides a wide range of reverse engineering services to recreate designs and drawings of the various mechanical parts of the products to perform a detailed product analysis. We assist the needs of the mechanical engineers, manufacturers, product part designing specialists. The case study describes how UK-based catalyst converter manufacturer plans of product redesign, based on the detailed analysis report of reverse engineering.

Meet the Client: An Engine Catalyst Company in the UK

The client is an engine catalyst company based in the UK that develops catalytic converters, front pipes, diesel filters for fitting kits, automobiles, performance catalysts, and more designs for catalytic converters.

Objective Behind the Reverse Engineering Needs

The main objective behind reverse engineering was to analyze the product and finding out all dimensions and measurements.



United Kingdom



Clients’ Challenges with Reverse Engineering

The client was facing immense challenges relating to the manifolds of the catalytic converter and wanted to extract the detailed product development details and to map out an advanced design. They wanted to partner with an outsourcing company with huge experience in product development and reverse engineering. While searching, they liked the profile and expertise at Backoffice Pro and hired us for their requirements, and sent two distinct catalytic converters to us to evaluate.

Custom Solution from BOP on Reverse Engineering

Once we understood the project requirement with thorough and repeated communication, we appointed a team of eight product engineers. The team minutely reverse-engineered the catalytic converter samples and found the manifolds are smaller than the client expected. We engaged in laser scan of the components, extracted them into point cloud data, and provided them the bigger manifolds based on the necessary specifications using Solidworks 2015. The bigger manifolds may change the product design drastically.

The final Solidworks file we sent to the client was not compatible with their software version. Therefore, we converted the documents into JPEG format to make it easier for them to view.

Result of Reverse Engineering

Backoffice Pro met all the specifications and delivered the output within the timeline within 45 days. Outsourcing reverse engineering to Backoffice Pro helped them to redesign their product. Being highly satisfied with the output, they sent 54 catalytic converter samples to perform the reverse engineering for each.

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Outsource Reverse Engineering Requirements to Backoffice Pro

If you have reverse engineering requirements to get a detailed analysis of the redesign of the product development, outsource to Backoffice Pro to get cost-effective and high-quality solutions. Contact us to know more about our reverse engineering and product development services and discuss your business requirements.

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