Case Study

Hedge Fund Management Company in the US Benefited with Cost-Effective Financial Analysis of 50 Leading Firms in the US

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Financial Analysis Assistance at Backoffice Pro

Backoffice Pro (BOP) caters to the financial analysis needs of global companies from all industry sectors. We provide financial analysis reports that help the clients make better business decisions and use their finance effectively.

Meet the Client: Hedge Fund Management in the USA

The client is a well-known hedge fund management organization based in the US.

Objective Behind the Financial Analysis Need

The goal behind the financial analysis was to strategize their trading and investment.





50 energy-based companies

CChallenges at the Client’s End on the Financial Analysis

The client was facing hurdles in developing data points on 50 leading energy-based firms in the US and data research to formulate their trading and investment strategies better. This would include designing a format in mutual accord with the client, a ratio analysis on this template, and assembling quarterly data in the last five years. The client had also asked for collating relevant analysts’ estimates with an analysis of pension and currency.

They wanted to partner with a company; the partner would be required to analyze the data and generate descriptive data, ratios, and statistics. The partner would also standardize financial data to simplify the search for investment opportunities as per their criteria.

Custom Solution on Financial Research from BOP

The task was assigned to a team of technical editors, finance analysts, and engineers. The skill level of the team was important to ensure international standards were maintained.

The process started with collating the raw data from public records like company websites, SEC filings, and more. The key data points compiled included:

A statement of income - This was quarterly or yearly for as many years as the client specified.

Balance sheet

Cash Flow analysis

A detailed note to accounts as per the client specifications

Financial statements of the parent company’s

Broker estimates, based on the estimates provided by the client

Operating statistics within the industry as per the client requirements

These were then assembled in a rational order by commerce and management graduates. Another team of veteran management graduate handled advanced data like ratio, pension, and currency analysis.

Financial Analysis Outcome

Before commencing the actual work, we conducted a trial run. The client expressed their satisfaction with the report submitted. Since then, most of the project has been completed well ahead of our assigned time. Satisfied with the outcome, the client negotiated for commencing live operations.

Our ability to deploy an additional workforce, accelerate our delivery rate, and focus on technology to facilitate workflow through proprietary software and information extraction proved very advantageous to the client. They had an experienced partner to work with their data. Besides, they also benefited from our flexible and transparent working style.

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